A recent blog post from Shepherd Smith at Nucleus, a platform for association analytics, presented an infographic “to help association professionals better understand not only the array of exhibitor/sponsor benefits available for their consideration” in virtual meetings “but also the value that each of these options hold to those potential sponsors/exhibitors.  Read more....

Members continue to engage with their associations, even in crisis, according to a new report, which reveals a surprise top member benefit and another that is rapidly emerging. Read more.  (Source: ASAE InTouch)...

Following action by the VMAE Board of Directors on November 10, 2020 to approve its charge, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) was promptly appointed by President Susan Blevins.  Kim D’Abreu, principal at Diversity Dimensions LLC and a thought leader at VMAE’s program on DEI delivered in Houston, was engaged to support the committee in fulfilling its charge. The charge defines the committee’s role: “The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) is appointed to support veterinary medical associations (VMAs) in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in veterinary associations and...

Society is reckoning like never before with a history of racial injustice and a culture of systemic racism. And veterinary medicine finds itself at the vortex of that movement. Once termed “the whitest profession” in a major national magazine article, the profession is taking a hard look at how it can truly become more diverse, inclusive and equitable.  Fortunately, the AAVMC has long embraced this mantle of responsibility. Records show the AAVMC was working in this area as far back as the 1970s. In 2005, the AAVMC introduced its pioneering...

A dynamic new program designed to strengthen veterinary practices by supporting inclusion and encouraging open workplace dialogue about complex topics such as race and sexual harassment has been launched by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). "The Brave Space program was created to provide learners the opportunity to expand their knowledge, engage in self-awareness building processes and ultimately come out as a more intentionally committed ally for promoting safe, inclusive environments for every member of the profession," said Dr. Douglas Kratt, AVMA president. The Brave Space Certificate Program is a robust,...

AVMA’s diversity and inclusion webpage has webinars, podcasts, and other resources – including a book list that can serve as a starting point for those who want to become stronger allies in pursuit of racial justice and equity.  A growing library of webinars on AVMA Axon® empowers veterinary professionals to combat bias and help make the veterinary profession and veterinary practices more welcoming to all people. Three CE webinars are now available for all veterinary professionals to view free of charge: Diversity, marginalization and intersectionality Unconscious bias: How it affects...

A new AAVMC study finds that admission offers from veterinary medical schools tend to be lower or higher for certain groups, indicating that unintended bias still exists despite recent efforts to be more inclusive and adopt more holistic admissions practices.  The study recommends that schools focus more attention on overcoming barriers to admission based on factors such as race/ethnicity, gender, culture or socioeconomic status. The AAVMC’s DiVersity Matters program has worked to draw attention to the need for veterinary medicine to be more inclusive and advocates for the recruitment and retention of underrepresented persons as...

Dear VMAE Members: The pressures of the pandemic forced veterinary associations and their member hospitals to change how they conducted business. Association concerns heard during the VMAE | Fall Conference 2020 included how to drive association value, relevance and connectivity during COVID-19. Veterinary associations adapted how they defined and created value for their members, including remote continuing education and networking opportunities. While it is yet unknown which newer innovations adopted during the pandemic association members will expect to continue, what is clear is the need for resources to help veterinary hospitals thrive....