Several authors have caught my attention recently with their commentary on a range of topics pertinent to VMA executives.  Here are a few items to engage some reflective brain time! Is Career Stage the Key to Member Acquisition? The American Nurses Association is a big-tent organization that has seen new-member growth for several consecutive years—largely due to a new framework that groups members into smaller segments defined by their career stage. Here’s how it works. Read More Associations Now online 8/1/18 Why Innovation Is an All-Staff Effort Even small associations are complicated entities, which is...

We’ve partnered with Mary Byers, CAE (author of Race for Relevance) on this online course focused on “Strategy Starters for Today’s Association Professional.” VMAE has covered the cost, so your only investment is the time you commit to learning and advancing your understanding of strategy.  Three self-paced online modules, 3 CAE credits.  Register today – details here!...

VMAE has teamed up with the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association to deliver a series of online financial seminars – available to your members at no charge. Details here.  The next webinar is on August 22, so there’s still time to let your members know.  The third webinar in the series will occur October 3.  Kudos to the New York State Veterinary Medical Society and the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association for getting lots of their members registered for the first webinar!...

To enrich your Momentum learning experience VMAE created the book club so we can discuss key learnings and share “aha!” moments at the end of each online module. On Thursday, August 30 at noon Mountain time we’ll hold the first discussion (hosted on The Bridge Club video conferencing platform) – so register  Click on Book Club here for details....

We’re undertaking a second initiative with Partners for Healthy Pets, designed to provide great value to your members and to your VMA. Like the first initiative (on forward booking), VMAE has developed turn-key materials for your use starting January 1. This time the focus is on a proven, effective method for motivating inactive clients to book an appointment and provide the healthcare their pets deserve. You’ll find the program details here – and we need your VMA’s commitment to participate by September 1. You’ll find the VMA pledge form here. ...

Marketing strategist Chris O’Toole (of helped us develop value proposition statements that you can use in starting the conversation about membership value. Check out the presentation Chris made at the VMAE | Summer Conference in Denver; click here for the video and more.  As a follow up, Chris will present a FREE webinar (hosted on The Bridge Club video conferencing platform) at 11 AM Mountain time on September 5.  Chris will discuss the thoughtful and licensed use of imagery in VMA communications.  Register today!...

Six new articles added to the JumpStart! library are ready for you to publish as practice management Presenter slides and tools from VMAE | ThinkWORKS 2018 have been added to the Diversity & Inclusion section under Resources, to help you turn D&I principles into practice.  And all the presentations from the VMAE | Summer Conference 2018 are available to you; just click here to access the growing portfolio of presentations from our meetings....

Greetings, colleagues – It’s August.  It’s tempting to be whistling “Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer” – but VMAE has so many great things going on I wanted to check in with you and make sure the summer vacay hadn’t made them pass you by!  Here’s a personal checklist to help you make the most of these opportunities: Momentum – We’ve partnered with Mary Byers, CAE (author of Race for Relevance) on this online course focused on “Strategy Starters for Today’s Association Professional.” VMAE has covered the cost, so your...

Lilly to Separate Elanco Animal Health with Initial Public Offering July 24, 2018 INDIANAPOLIS, July 24, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced that the company has completed its strategic review of Elanco Animal Health, and will file a registration statement in the coming weeks with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a potential initial public offering (IPO) of a minority ownership stake in Elanco as a separate company. The offering is expected to represent an ownership stake of less than 20 percent. The number of shares...

VMAE | Summer Conference 2018 in Denver has concluded – but I’m still enjoying the warm feeling that results from spending time with such a great collection of colleagues, and I’m still excited about all the great information that came forward from VMAE “messengers!’ In case you couldn’t be present, or just need a synopsis as a reminder of what you experienced, here’s a recap: The conference convened with the awards luncheon on Friday, during which VMAE members and invited guests congratulated these award winners: Best in the Business –...