The following information is shared as a benefit of AVMA's Titanium-level Strategic Initiative Partnership with VMAE. Dear VMAE Members - The AVMA has joined MentorVet to launch MentorVet Connect, a structured mentorship program that connects early-career veterinarians with trained mentors who can offer invaluable support and guidance, providing new veterinarians with free access to an established and proven mentoring platform. To join as a mentor, any AVMA member who is licensed and has at least one year of experience can apply. Interested mentees from the class of 2023 can apply to be paired with a mentor....

Hi VMAE members, I enjoyed seeing many of you in San Diego at our fall conference. We had a productive and wide-ranging discussion on many relevant and timely topics. For those who could not attend, several excellent resources from the conference are now posted here. I hope to see many of you in Chicago next month at our membership meeting and president/president-elect forum at the Veterinary Leadership Conference. Meanwhile, I extend everyone best wishes for a magical holiday season. Tim Atkinson New York State VMS...

In the past few weeks, I participated in the Veterinary Innovation Summit, Banfield Pet Healthcare Summit, and CATalyst Council annual meeting, all excellent forums to discuss and brainstorm on the leading issues of the day: talent shortage, wellbeing, DEI, increasing access to care, and best use of technology to relieve stress on veterinary professionals and practices. Even as we celebrate the holiday season, Tesha and I are hard at work planning for our VLC events and ThinkWORKS, which will feature a policy forum on the issues affecting your organizations and...

The VMAE Board of Directors met in San Diego prior to the fall conference. Highlights from that meeting include: Initiating an amendment to the VMAE bylaws to clarify that VMAE may discipline a member for failure to comply with its rules, principles of ethics, or policies. The amendment will be circulated to the membership for vote shortly. Approving VMAE signing on to the Gender Identity Bill of Rights. Approving several recommendations from the VMAE DEI Committee, including development of a publicly displayed nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy, and a code of...