08 Dec VMAE at VLC
We know many of you attend the AVMA’s Veterinary Leadership Conference in Chicago with your delegations. We have two events scheduled for you specifically. First, the VMAE | AVMA President-President Elect Forum will take place on Friday, January 6, 2023, 3:00-4:30 PM. This session is offered as part of the overall VLC conference. The session, titled Governance Essentials: Advancing the Board/Staff Partnership, is designed for Executive Directors and CEOs of veterinary medical associations to attend with one or two elected officers. Debbie Trueblood, CAE, Senior Consultant, Association Management Center, will take us through an exploration of governance leading practices proven to lead to high-performing boards. This is a great opportunity for you and your senior elected leaders to gain practical tools you can use immediately to promote and implement good governance practices.
Second, the VMAE membership meeting and luncheon will take place on Saturday January 7. It’s a great time to reconnect after the new year and share updates on VMAE’s plans and key initiatives. The luncheon is offered to VMAE members only. Registration for the luncheon has been sent to you separately. You can also get information here.