VHMA White Paper: Value-based Pricing Strategies

The Veterinary Hospital Managers Association (VHMA) convened a critical issues summit in 2018 to address the question “How can veterinary practices adopt and implement more effective pricing approaches?” As an outcome of the summit, VHMA has released a white paper that can be downloaded for free. VALUE-BASED Strategic Pricing for Veterinary Practices introduces the core concepts, frameworks, and tools for pricing strategically in the veterinary services industry and is critical reading for any practice considering a new approach to pricing. The white paper addresses:

  • Why strategic pricing is important for the veterinary services industry
  • The state of pricing in the veterinary services industry
  • Understanding the role of costs in a veterinary practice’s pricing strategy
  • Understanding customer value for veterinary services
  • Customer focus and value propositions
  • Developing a pricing structure
  • Ideas to improve pricing in veterinary practices
  • Conducting a pricing audit for your veterinary practice

The report concludes with a pricing audit that veterinary practice owners and managers can use to assess the current state of their pricing method and identify areas where they need to focus and improve.